Great holiday cards

3 12 2009

These holidays will be very especial for me since my husband and I will be getting married by church on the 29 of

Holiday card by Christina Kester

December. The wedding planning and travel (we are going to tie the knot in Argentina) are not giving me enough time for art, so I am enjoying other people’s art instead. I have been looking at wonderful Holiday postcards done by excellent artists, and I hope I can bring some ideas to those that are searching for unique postcards that are not your typical Hallmark or Walmart (for the less wealthy of us).

For example, this beautiful postcard that Christina Kester has designed, which is also for sale in her Zazzle store Oh! and she is open for commissions for Christmas presents too! If you are into celtic art and knotwork, I highly recommend Chris, she is excellent at it!

Another beautiful card is the one that Angela Sasser created for this year. Each

December Window by Angela Sasser

year she makes a Holidays card and though she is always good, this year she has surpassed herself. I am crazy about her new design. It is beautiful and elegant too, and… oh, yes, it must be all the knotwork too, I have a thing for knotwork as you might know if you follow my art. Her card is also for sale at multiple e-stores, so make sure to get yourself one if you like!

Also, Sam Hoggs is selling her usual Christmas card this year. All the profits are always donated to the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God, a group of monks that give hospital services to those that are in need. If you would want to send cards while doing something good by the way, this is your opportunity.

Three Wise Men by Sam Hoggs

I have especially enjoyed Karyn Lewis’ card for this year: “Surfing Santa”, since

Surfing Santa by Karyn Lewis.

in the Southern Hemisphere ( I am form Argentina) Christmas is a very hot season, and often times people gather around a barbeque pit and a swimming pool 🙂

So this card made my day and reminded me of Summer Christmas and New Year. She is selling this card in her numerous stores.

If you have a thing for cute and adorable, maybe Liiga’s penguins will make your perfect card. Her penguins are super cute and hugable, and the message of her Christmas card is uber-sweet, the only thing that matters is your loved ones. And who would not melt for winged penguins?

Penguin Dreams by Liiga Smilshkalne

You can buy this lovely image as a print or postcard here.

And for those that are not into the very traditional, nor cuddly, nor pagan, but enjoy some mischief, the queen of urban wicked and charmingly sexy, Melissa Findley, brings you this peppermint image for this Christmas. This lovely creature in reds and whites can be found in her DA store.

Peppermint swirl by Melissa Findley

I hope you all have enjoyed this feature. If you like what you see, consider buying from these artists, they work hard every day to improve their skills. If you do not want to buy but you do like what you see, please, drop by and tell them so. We artists love when someone likes our art, it would make a great holiday present 🙂